日本財団 図書館


(1)Personal history;
(2)Certified copy of medical license; and
(3)Documents certifying association with a designated aviation medical institution.


2. The requirements specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 31 paragraph 1 of the Law shall be as follows:
(1)To be a medical practitioner associated with a designated aviation medical institution;
(2)To have attended a short training course for aviation medical certification held under the auspices of the Minister of Transport or to possess knowledge regarding aviation medical certification equal to or higher than those of a person who has attended the said short training course; and
(3)To have not less than five years medical experience regarding clinical or aviation medicine.


3. The designation under Article 31 paragraph 1 of the Law is established when a certificate of appointment as an aviation medical examiner (Form No. 23- 2) is issued. In this case, a term of validity as a condition may be attached to the said designation.


4. The Minister of Transport shall, when, he has issued the designation under the preceding paragraph, serve public notification to that effect.


(Invalidation and Revocation of Designation)
Article 62. The designation under Article 31 paragraph 1 of the Law becomes invalid when any of the following conditions applies to a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner.
(1)When the validity term attached to the designation in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article paragraph 3 has expired;
(2)When he has ceased to be associated with a designated aviation medical institution:
(3)When a designated aviation medical institution with which is he is associated has ceased to be a designated aviation medical institution;
(4)When his medical license has been revoked in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 paragraph 2 of the Medical Practitioners Law (Law No. 201 of 1948).


2. The Minister of Transport may revoke the designation under Article 31 paragraph 1 of the Law, when any of the following items, applies to a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner:
(1)When he has violated the provisions of the Law or the provisions of Order issued in accordance with the Law;





